Doomsday Love
Doomsday Love
Two forlorn lovers mulberry hue
Escaped to celestial sea one last time
Damp rickety raft smelling of centipede
Creaks lapping adrift in the shipless sea
Underneath sky’s floating white scars
Scarves flog in the wind, hesitant
With skin emaciated, bone clings
Peeled and flayed to the
Song of inescapable heat and Judgement
Clutching coin, the footman's bony hand
Wisks wanton love, Fathom's heart
That they should pass, Hand in Hand
As Darkening horizon is sliced where fingers
Protrude, Stretching the gash
Revealing forsaken lovers within a
Hollowed ribcage cave, hidden deep
From hours last breath, Death’s caress
Embracing and
Wishing to stop this.